River Doon

Documents Pack for Annual Public Meeting: Thursday 28 April 2022, 7:30pm

Please find attached the documents which will be referred to at the Annual Public Meeting of the River Doon District Salmon Fishery Board next Thursday 28 April 2022 at 7:30pm in the Western House Hotel, AYR KA8 0HA.

Doing our bit for the environment, we will only be printing a limited number of copies of the Annual Report for use at the meeting, so would ask people to work electronically, if possible.

However, if you intend to attend the Annual Public Meeting and wish a hard copy printed, please email the Clerk at RiverDoonDSFB@gilsongray.co.uk no later than close of business Tuesday 26 April 2022.

We hope that you are able to attend and look forward to your contribution to the ongoing and future work of the Board.

Kind regards

Iain K Clark
Clerk to the Board

Agenda for Annual Public Meeting 28.04.22

Draft Minutes of Annual Meeting of Qualified Proprietors 31.03.22 v3 22.04.22

River Doon DSFB – Annual Report (final) 22.04.22